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Mirabella Catering

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About Mirabella Catering

We are a boutique caterer in the truest sense of the word: we cater to your needs, whether that includes dietary requirements, culinary preferences, or budgetary considerations. Rest assured that we will do our best to make your corporate meeting or social gathering a perfect blend of your wishes and our expertise. Our diverse menus feature personalized menus of healthy, great-tasting foods made from scratch, prepared by professionals, and delivered promptly by our helpful and courteous staff. We pay attention to the details that make each event we cater a success without adding stress. That's why we receive many thanks and much praise from first-time clients and longtime fans alike. Please accept our invitation to learn for yourself exactly what makes Mirabella Catering "simply wonderful."

Location & Directions for Mirabella Catering

308 W Evesham Ave, Magnolia, NJ 8049
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Services Mirabella Catering Offers


  • Caterers
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