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Millbrook Family Eyecare

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About Millbrook Family Eyecare

Located in the quaint village of Millbrook, New York, which is in the center of Dutchess County, our practice, formerly under Robert F. Krall, OD was acquired by Vernon A. Peryea, OD in 2012. We at Millbrook Family Eyecare treat every patient from children to seniors with compassion and courtesy while diagnosing vision problems and vision requirements. One of several new vision care instruments, implemented to improve patient care, is a retinal mapping system that eliminates the need for dilation in many cases. Our services include comprehensive eye examinations, contact lens fittings and upgrades. Our fashion optical boutique contains a broad selection of eyewear to compliment your lifestyle. Outside prescriptions are welcome!

Location & Directions for Millbrook Family Eyecare

61 Front St, Millbrook, NY 12545
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Services Millbrook Family Eyecare Offers


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