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McB Autosport

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About McB Autosport

McB Autosport is a family owned one stop shop for any of your car service needs. We do it all. If you have a car we can fix it from street cars and high performance cars to domestic and imports of any vintage. Our shop is in Bridgeville, PA and is conveniently located near Interstates 79 and 279 for easy access.

At McB Autosport, our expert staff can help you get that new suspension package ordered and installed. We don't sweat the small stuff either, need your wheels and tires mounted and balanced, no problem.

Our Staff also has been involved in racing for many years. They have the expertise and know how to help you set up, maintain and prepare your race car for maximum performance at the next big race.

Location & Directions for McB Autosport

395 Washington Ave, Bridgeville, PA 15017
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Services McB Autosport Offers

General Maintenance and Repair Services Offered
# Air Conditioning recharge
# Battery diagnostic and service
# Brake system repair and service
# Engine related - timing belts, etc
# Exhaust system repair and service
# Oil and other essential fluid changes
# Suspension repair and service
# Transmission repair and service
# Pennsylvania State Inspections & Emissions
# Factory specified 15k, 30k, 45k, 60k, etc service

Performance Services Offered
# Intake, engine, exhaust upgrades
# Performance ECU upgrades
# Performance brake systems
# Suspension upgrades

Motorsports Services Offered
# Engine and transaxle services
# Suspension services
# Data acquisition
# Vinyl and graphics package
# Full vehicle builds
# Crewing, pre-race prep and towing

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