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MacKenzie E. Douglas, DMD, LLC

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About MacKenzie E. Douglas, DMD, LLC

Originally owned by Dr. Philip R. Dougherty, DMD, this dental practice was established in 1968 and has been in business until now. In 2011, Dr. Dougherty sold the practice to Dr. MacKenzie Douglas, DMD, and they continue to work as partners, with a combined total of 58 years of dental experience. Multnomah Village is located just 5 minutes SW of downtown Portland. The dental office caters to families and patients of all ages in the Portland and SW communities. We have opened up our practice and are now welcoming new patients beginning in 2011. Please call us for an appointment, we would love to meet you!

Location & Directions for MacKenzie E. Douglas, DMD, LLC

7615 Sw Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR 97219
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Services MacKenzie E. Douglas, DMD, LLC Offers

We offer all general dental treatments, including implants, gold and porcelain crowns and bridges, root canals, emergency treatment, dentures, and oral surgery.  Specialty treatments available in TMJ Disorder therapy, Occlusal Equilibrations (bite adjustments), Gnathology and Orthopedics, and Orthodontics.

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