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LightHouse Health & Body Mkvr

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About LightHouse Health & Body Mkvr

"Who Else Wants to End Their Serious Back or Neck Pain Without Having to Take Out a Second Mortgage on Their Home in Order to Pay for the Treatment!?"

Dear Back or Neck Pain Suffer,
f you've been suffering from chronic pain in your lower back, legs or neck and shoulders, you know how frustrating it can be to get the help you need to end your pain and suffering.

But there's good news! Help is available to you!

At Lighthouse Pain Relief Clinic, most patients have already seen several doctors and specialists, tried bed rest, a variety of strong drugs, chiropractic, physical therapy and many, sad to say, surgery. They come to us because they are still in pain!

Many patients are told that their only alternative is surgery. But they have done their homework and they're not only worried about the odds that they'll still be in pain after the surgery, they're also worried about the expenses associated with surgery!

These patients realize that even if they have insurance, their out-of-pocket expenses can be up to $16,000 or more!

The good news is that there is a great alternative to back surgery-it is Spinal Decompression-and You Can Experience it For FREE!!

Location & Directions for LightHouse Health & Body Mkvr

715 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84107
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Services LightHouse Health & Body Mkvr Offers

Back Pain, Neck Pain, Spinal Decompression, Deep Tissue Laser Therapy, Back Projects Act2, Weight Loss.

3.0 Out of 5.0

Reviews For LightHouse Health & Body Mkvr

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 4 Reviews

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Virginia Thursday, November 10th 2011
I had an appointment for a wrap at 9am, the first one in the morning. After waiting for 30min in a room, I open the door in my underwear and let know the first person I saw that I had been waiting for 30 min to be wrapped. I was finally wrapped at 10am (yes 1h after my appointment). You're supposed to stay wrapped for 30 min. After 45 min I open the door again and someone finally came after 1h05 min!!!! She confirmed that I was supposed to be wrapped for only 30min but more was not unhealthy! She didn't measure me and left the room as soon as she cut the plastic and let me get rid of the cream with some towels.... I was considering buying 3 treatments, I am glad I started with only 1. I would not go if I had bought more! I would surely NOT recommend this place to anyone. There is a general chaos there and lack of organization there!
Virginia Thursday, November 10th 2011
I had an appointment for a wrap at 9am, the first one in the morning. After waiting for 30min in a room, I open the door in my underwear and let know the first person I saw that I had been waiting for 30 min to be wrapped. I was finally wrapped at 10am (yes 1h after my appointment). You're supposed to stay wrapped for 30 min. After 45 min I open the door again and someone finally came after 1h05 min!!!! She confirmed that I was supposed to be wrapped for only 30min but more was not unhealthy! She didn't measure me and left the room as soon as she cut the plastic and let me get rid of the cream with some towels.... I was considering buying 3 treatments, I am glad I started with only 1. I would not go if I had bought more! I would surely NOT recommend this place to anyone. There is a general chaos there and lack of organization there!
Kathleen Price
Kathleen Price Sunday, March 1st 2009
It is nice to have the map and the information about the back treatments. I think it would be nice to have more information about your body makeover and other servicesthat you offer.I am currently doing the back program and the results are great. Thank You !
Kathleen Price
Kathleen Price Sunday, March 1st 2009
It is nice to have the map and the information about the back treatments. I think it would be nice to have more information about your body makeover and other servicesthat you offer.I am currently doing the back program and the results are great. Thank You !
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