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Lenahan Deborah MD

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About Lenahan Deborah MD

Dr. Deborah Lenahan specializes in all aspects of pediatric eye care, including glasses for children and more complex pediatric eye problems for children and infants.

Location & Directions for Lenahan Deborah MD

3150 N 12th St, Grand Junction, CO 81506
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Services Lenahan Deborah MD Offers

Lazy Eye, Eye Infections, Red Eyes, Watering Eyes, Droopy Eyelids, Exotropia, Esotropia, Sty, Children's Glaucoma, Anisometropia, Amblyopia, Nystagmus, Congenital Cataracts, Duane's Syndrome, Brown's Syndrome, Strabismus, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JIA), and more.

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