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Ladenburg Law Injury Attorneys

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About Ladenburg Law Injury Attorneys

Ladenburg Law is a personal injury law firm run by the Ladenburg family. John Sr, John Jr, and Erik Ladenburg are the three main attorneys practicing at Ladenburg Law. If you have been injured in the state of Washington, especially if the incident occurred near Tacoma, reach out to their team today at 253-272-5226. Ladenburg Law can help with injury cases such as vehicular accidents, workplace incidents, and long term illnesses caused by defective products or an unsafe environment.

Location & Directions for Ladenburg Law Injury Attorneys

705 S 9th St STE 203, Tacoma, WA 98405
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Services Ladenburg Law Injury Attorneys Offers

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer, Injury Lawyer, Car Accident Lawyer, Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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