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Kelly A. Faddis DDS

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About Kelly A. Faddis DDS

We understand the importance of good dental hygiene and oral care and are committed to providing you with the best family dentistry and cosmetic dentisty in a fun, pleasant environment. We see one patient at a time so that we can stay on time. Your time is important.

From common dental problems to advanced cosmetic makeovers, we provide an array of dental services to meet your needs all in one convenient location.

We thank you for your interest in our services and the trust you have placed in us. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Location & Directions for Kelly A. Faddis DDS

11760 S 700 E #110, Draper, UT 84020
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Services Kelly A. Faddis DDS Offers

Teeth Whitening
Dental Implants
Cosmetic Dentistry
General Dentistry

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