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Katzner Law Group

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About Katzner Law Group

Finding an attorney you can trust to guide you through the estate planning process, decisions that will affect you and your family for years to come, is crucial. It can also be difficult to find the lawyer who's the right fit. You need an estate planning lawyer who has a comprehensive understanding of the various issues involved in putting together an estate plan, such as minimizing income and estate tax liability, making sure your children are raised by whom you want in the way you want, and that your heirs receive their inheritance in a way that does not cause them more harm than good.

Location & Directions for Katzner Law Group

662 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas, CA 92024
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Services Katzner Law Group Offers

San Diego Estate Planning Lawyer, San Diego Estate Planning Attorney, San Diego Probate and Trusts Lawyer, San Diego Probate and Trusts Attorney, San Diego Asset Protection Lawyer, San Diego Asset Protection Attorney, San Diego Medi-Cal Planning Lawyer, San Diego Medi-Cal Planning Attorney

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