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John's Body Shop

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About John's Body Shop

John's Body Shop is your trusted choice for Auto Body Collision and Repair in Easley, SC and the surrounding communities. Let Curtis and his team take the stress, uncertainty, and long waits out of the equation. Being in a wreck is traumatic enough without adding undue stress and complications. The business was founded by John Limbaugh in 1967. In 1990, his son, Curtis, joined him after a long service with the USPS. Curtis was trained exceptionally well by his father throughout his life as he worked in the shop. Today, Curtis and his team of professional repair technicians and painters keep John's dedication to quality service and repairs alive. His motto was to treat his customers as he wanted to be treated and he always worked for his customers and never the insurance companies. You can believe and trust that Curtis continues that tradition. It is evidenced by his busy schedule and the many clients that willingly wait a little longer to have the trained experts at John's Body Shop take care of their auto body repairs.Bring your vehicle to John's with confidence and drive out truly satisfied.

Location & Directions for John's Body Shop

606 Three And Twenty Rd, Easley, SC 29642
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Services John's Body Shop Offers

Auto Parts & Supplies

  • Auto Parts & Supplies
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