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Jinks Crow and Dickson, P.C.

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About Jinks Crow and Dickson, P.C.

Jinks Crow and Dickson, P.C.

Location & Directions for Jinks Crow and Dickson, P.C.

7031 Halcyon Park Dr, Montgomery, AL 36117
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Services Jinks Crow and Dickson, P.C. Offers

Lawyers and Attorneys

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More About Jinks Crow and Dickson, P.C.

Because of our experience and reputation, we have been involved in numerous multi-million dollars verdicts and/or settlements, and we have been a part of the leadership team on numerous nationwide class action and mass tort cases. For businesses, we regularly handle cases involving contract disputes, heavy machinery and farm equipment warranty claims, and insurance disputes. For individuals, we regularly handle cases involving personal injury, wrongful death, product defects, road construction defects, poor home construction, motor vehicle negligence, fraud, insurance bad faith, class actions and product warranty claims.