At Jeff Newlin Painting, we have over 35 years of interior and exterior painting experience in Leesburg Virginia, including Fairfax, Frederick, Loudoun, Fauquier, Warren and Clarke County. We use only the highest-quality techniques, materials, and equipment to ensure our completed work exceeds each of our clients' expectations.
Our painters specialize in:
â— Accent walls
â— Interior painting
â— Exterior painting
â— Fence painting
â— Pressure washing
â— Roof painting
â— Barn painting
â— Ceilings and floors
â— Decks and patios
â— Fence and roof painting
â— Finishing work
â— Garage painting
â— House painting
â— Interior or exterior trim work
â— Prep work and scraping off old paint
â— And much more
For all of your painting needs in the local area, get in touch with us today. We look forward to assisting you.
Painting contractor, interior and exterior, house painting, barn, fence and roof painting, roofing.
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