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J. Anthony Kososki, DDS, FAGD

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About J. Anthony Kososki, DDS, FAGD

Your dental care is just that… your dental care. It's about you - solving your dental problems, improving your oral function, enhancing your smile. Dr. Kososki and our team take a personalized approach to dental care, planning each case as if it were our own. We want to know if you feel anxious or nervous. We want to know about your oral and overall health problems. We even want to help you with creative financing arrangements if necessary. So please, share your concerns with us during your appointment, and we'll give you the information and resources you need to achieve - then maintain - optimal oral health and a beautiful smile for the rest of your life!

Location & Directions for J. Anthony Kososki, DDS, FAGD

304 S Cottonwood Dr Suite C, Richardson, TX 75080
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Services J. Anthony Kososki, DDS, FAGD Offers

General Dentistry
Preventive Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Prosthetic Dentistry

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