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Hot 8 Yoga

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About Hot 8 Yoga

Hot 8 Yoga is Santa Monica's first and largest Hot Yoga studio. Hot 8 Yoga brings a new level of yoga to Santa Monica and is devoted to offering the best yoga experience possible.  We have two unique eco-friendly designed rooms with state of the art climate control, spacious locker rooms complete with showers and towel service, and plenty of stress-free parking.  Hot 8 Yoga is designed to foster a transition from the bustle of the street into a calm oasis in which to heighten sensory awareness, nurture the body and prepare the individual for a revitalizing experience.

Hot 8 Yoga is committed to offering a truly unique yoga practice which will be a source of inspiration for the spirit, the soul and the body. We have made every effort to make our yoga program accessible to all, no matter your age, strength, experience or flexibility.   Our first objective is to take care of and purify your body.  Each of our classes has been designed to heal, detoxify and exhilarate the mind.  By incorporating varying degrees of heat and humidity in each of our classes you will be able to get into postures more deeply and effectively, burn more fat and most importantly detoxify the body through sweat.  Like many before you, you will find that practicing yoga in a warm temperature controlled room creates a satisfying and almost addictive feeling of achievement.

Location & Directions for Hot 8 Yoga

1422 2nd St, Santa Monica, CA 90401
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Services Hot 8 Yoga Offers

The 8 Limbs of Yoga

Yoga is one of the six orthodox systems of Indian philosophy.  It was collated, co-ordinated and systematized by Pantanjali in his classical work, the Yoga Sutras, sometime between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D.  Pantanjali enumerated the means for the quest of the soul as the eight limbs or stages of Yoga.  The 8 in Hot 8 Yoga represents Patanjali's 8 yoga sutras:  A precise set of doctrines and principles that create the foundation for living a Yogic life.
1.  Yama-strong will power for restraint
2.  Niyama-strong willpower for observance and application of truth
3.  Asana-physical and mental exercise including postures
4.  Pranayama-transformation of individual energy, physiological, and psychological, into cosmic energy.
5.  Pratyahara-displacement and sublimation of psychic energy
6.  Dharana-fixation of mind on various places, internal or external
7.  Dhyana-sublimation of Mind into Being
8.  Samadhi-evolution of consciousness from individuality to universality.

Yama and Niyama control the yogi's passions and emotions and keep him in harmony with his fellow man. Asanas keep the body healthy and strong and in harmony with nature.  When the yogi becomes free of body consciousness it is a fit vehicle for the soul. By continually practicing at Hot 8 Yoga, we hope that you will be able to conquer your body and attain the self image that you had always imagined.  The next two stages, Pranayama and Pratyahara, teach the yogi to regulate the breath and thereby control the mind.  This helps to free the senses from the objects of desire.  Finally, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi take the yogi into the innermost recesses of his soul.  The last three stages keep the yogi in harmony with himself.

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