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Holiday Inn Nashville Airport

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About Holiday Inn Nashville Airport

Holiday Inn Nashville Airport

Location & Directions for Holiday Inn Nashville Airport

2200 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37214
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Services Holiday Inn Nashville Airport Offers


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More About Holiday Inn Nashville Airport

At Holiday Inn Nashville Airport, you re our welcomed guest, and like any good host, we provide you with the necessities above and beyond what you can get at home. Our porter will get you settled in; a dip in our indoor, heated pool will relax and entertain you; and most important of all, our great service will fill in all the in-betweens. Only two miles from the BNA Nashville Metro Airport, it s a quick ride in our complimentary shuttle to Holiday Inn Nashville Airport, where we have everything you need to rest up, get ready, and go for a night out on the town. Coming or going, our Nashville Airport hotel is here for you all the way. With a choice of king, queen, accessible or a parlor connecting rooms, we accommodate you whatever your needs.