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Hilltop Manor

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About Hilltop Manor

Hilltop Manor

Location & Directions for Hilltop Manor

403 S Valley St, Cunningham, KS 67035
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Services Hilltop Manor Offers

Assisted Living

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More About Hilltop Manor

From the moment you enter Hilltop Manor, you feel welcome. Our community is designed to feel like home. The traditional interiors and the rich furniture with warm colors and textures were carefully chosen to reflect the comforts of home. Private and shared accommodations are warm and inviting, with their own half-baths, offering the privacy and comfort our residents are looking for. What's more, the community's convenient location just an hour from Wichita is close to an array of medical services from Pratt Regional Medical Center and Ninnescah Valley Health System. At Hilltop Manor, pets aren't a problem. They are part of the solution. We encourage families to keep their loved ones connected to their pets during visits.