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Hiller PHC

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About Hiller PHC

Offering plumbing, heating and air conditioning system installation, maintenance and repair in the greater Knoxville, Tennessee area.

Location & Directions for Hiller PHC

5507 Ball Camp Pike, Knoxville, TN 37921
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Services Hiller PHC Offers

HVAC Services

5.0 Out of 5.0

Reviews For Hiller PHC

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 4 Reviews

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Christy Spradling
Christy Spradling Wednesday, October 9th 2013
Hiller service man came very quickly after my emergency call & was able to do enough to turn my water back on until another crew could come and actually do the work required to permantly fix the problem. They did a great job, were friendly, found a way to save me quite a lot from the original estimate. I would most certainly use Hiller again!
Christy Spradling
Christy Spradling Wednesday, October 9th 2013
Hiller service man came very quickly after my emergency call & was able to do enough to turn my water back on until another crew could come and actually do the work required to permantly fix the problem. They did a great job, were friendly, found a way to save me quite a lot from the original estimate. I would most certainly use Hiller again!
John Osterhout
John Osterhout Friday, November 9th 2012
On October 11, 2012, Matt came to our house and checked out our heating system. He did an excellent job and was very professionell and we are very satisfied.
John Osterhout
John Osterhout Friday, November 9th 2012
On October 11, 2012, Matt came to our house and checked out our heating system. He did an excellent job and was very professionell and we are very satisfied.
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