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Heartfelt Veterinary Hospital

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About Heartfelt Veterinary Hospital

Heartfelt Veterinary Hospital is a full-service animal hospital providing comprehensive pet healthcare services in the heart of downtown Portland, OR. Our veterinarians offer a wide variety of medical, surgical and dental services. Our hospital has advanced equipment and technologies, including comprehensive in-house testing for accurate diagnosis, digital x-ray, surgical suite, dental suite, and a pharmacy. We are committed to providing quality care at every stage of your pet's life. From routine preventive care to early detection and treatment of a wide range of conditions and diseases, we have the expertise to provide the highest standard of care for your pet. We also serve clients from Vancouver, WA.

Location & Directions for Heartfelt Veterinary Hospital

1127 NE Broadway St, Portland, OR 97232
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Services Heartfelt Veterinary Hospital Offers


  • Veterinarians
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