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Harris Cook LLP

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About Harris Cook LLP

Harris Cook LLP

Location & Directions for Harris Cook LLP

2901 Corporate Dr, Flower Mound, TX 75028
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Services Harris Cook LLP Offers

Lawyers and Attorneys

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More About Harris Cook LLP

At Harris Cook, LLP, we understand that hiring an attorney can be a stressful and challenging endeavor. We attempt to accommodate our clients' needs and guide them through the legal process as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. We believe communication is key and strive to keep our clients continuously informed as to the status of their case. Together, Chris Harris and David L. Cook have more than 44 years of combined experience and provide aggressive representation. At this time, Harris Cook, LLP has office consultations available out of our Arlington and Lewisville offices. Our practice is predominantly in Tarrant, Denton, and Johnson Counties, however, we also accept cases in surrounding counties on a case by case basis. Our attorneys and staff are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and excellence, while providing solutions to legal problems and getting the results our clients deserve.