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Grime Busters Carpet and Tile Care

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About Grime Busters Carpet and Tile Care

Grime Busters Tile and Grout Care is a locally owned carpet cleaning company in Orange Ct., providing high quality carpet cleaning services to homeowners in the New Haven & Shoreline area, Hartford area, Fairfield area as well as central Connecticut. We pride ourselves on our expert work. We care about each individual by meeting his or her specific needs and our staff is highly skilled and trained. Our work is never finished until you are completely satisfied and happy.

Location & Directions for Grime Busters Carpet and Tile Care

530 Ridge Rd, Orange, CT 6477
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Services Grime Busters Carpet and Tile Care Offers

carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, low moisture cleaning, water damage restoration

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