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Green Sprout Academy

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About Green Sprout Academy

Green Sprout Academy is an eco-friendly school located in Tamarac, Fl. We believe that a greener school means a healthier and more productive place for our children to learn and grow. Our students enjoy nutritious organic meals and snacks. We also offer a variety of programs for school age students which include: foreign language and swimming classes. Date Night is available Friday & Saturday Nights from 6pm-12am, for parents who want to relax and enjoy a night out together.

Location & Directions for Green Sprout Academy

8747 Nw 57th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33351
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Services Green Sprout Academy Offers

Accept children ages 1-4.

Afterschool, Saturday's for Kids and Summercamp.
Accept children ages 5-12.

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