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Glenn L Sands DDS

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About Glenn L Sands DDS

Glenn Sands Dental offers the most advanced technology in cosmetic dentistry. Porcelain veneers and full porcelain crowns are some examples of how we redesign our patients' smiles. Our number one priority is our patient's well-being. We implement all the tools available to make sure you have a comfortable experience during your dental visit. Our team consists of dedicated individuals who are kind, friendly, and caring. Our staff is here to ensure a pleasant experience during your visit to our office.

Location & Directions for Glenn L Sands DDS

1770 Fort Union Blvd Ste 201, Salt Lake City, UT 84121
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Services Glenn L Sands DDS Offers

Telescopic Loupes, Intraoral Imaging, Soft and hard tissue laser, Diagnodent, Computerized shade matching, CAD/CAM chairside restoration system, Aqua abrasion, CEREC (Charismatic Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics), X-Rays & Digital X-Rays

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