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Glenmoore Gracious Retirement Living

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About Glenmoore Gracious Retirement Living

We believe that Glenmoore Gracious Retirement Living is so much more than walls and windows - it's a place to enjoy home-cooked meals, game night, or a quiet evening with family and friends. It's where you always feel comfortable, safe, and secure. At Glenmoore Gracious Retirement Living, our management teams live onsite, and are available 24 hours a day. Our food is truly made from scratch, and served right to your table along with a smile from our friendly staff.

Location & Directions for Glenmoore Gracious Retirement Living

12154 SE 114th Ct, Happy Valley, OR 97086
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Services Glenmoore Gracious Retirement Living Offers

Retirement Homes

  • Retirement Homes
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