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Ginger Betty's Bakery

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About Ginger Betty's Bakery

Ginger Betty's is located at 215 Samoset Ave. in Quincy, and is dedicated to the "fine art of Ginger Bread baking and much more ...". Here you will find ginger bread men, women, children, and families. There are gingerbread houses and boxes of all types, all customizable for any occasion.

The award winning bakery has gingerbread gifts for all sorts of events including weddings, baby showers, birthday parties and corporate events just to name a few.

"The story of Gingerbread began when the Crusades brought back the ginger spice from the Mid-East. Europeans then created the gingerbread recipe and began the tradition of making various Gingerbread creations. Ginger Betty proudly continues this legacy as she creates fanciful gingerbread specialties by customizing them with sugar, spice, and all that is nice."

Location & Directions for Ginger Betty's Bakery

215 Samoset Ave, Quincy, MA 2169
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Services Ginger Betty's Bakery Offers

gingerbread, Bakery, weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, corporate events, catering, christenings, get well gifts

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