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Gesa Credit Union

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About Gesa Credit Union

From modest beginnings in 1953, Gesa Credit Union has grown from a part-time office operating out of a shoebox to the second largest credit union in Washington state, serving over 250,000 members around the world. Gesa has a rich history of providing financial services to Washington state and our spirit still reflects the early-day Credit Union motto, "people helping people." Since 1996, when Gesa became a community-chartered credit union and opened its field of membership to everyone in Washington, the credit union experienced explosive growth. With consumers embracing the value of banking with a not-for-profit cooperative and through the merger with Inspirus Credit Union, Gesa has grown to twenty five locations throughout the state but will always maintain a strong commitment to its roots. People in our communities have made Gesa what it is today, and we don't take that loyalty for granted. Our members continually remind us, "It's not where you bank. It's where you belong."

Location & Directions for Gesa Credit Union

7421 Sandifur Pkwy, Pasco, WA 99301
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Services Gesa Credit Union Offers

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