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Gaydos and Turner, PLLC

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About Gaydos and Turner, PLLC

Gaydos and Turner, PLLC

Location & Directions for Gaydos and Turner, PLLC

17548 Veterans Memorial Highway Rt. 7 East Suite A, Kingwood, WV 26537
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Services Gaydos and Turner, PLLC Offers

Lawyers and Attorneys

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More About Gaydos and Turner, PLLC

At Gaydos & Turner, P.L.L.C., we are familiar with our local communities - and this advantage allows us to best assist you in several ways, including when building your case, selecting who will and will not be a part of your case, and presenting your case to the court. Whether you have been seriously injured in a vehicle accident or by a defective product, require reliable legal help with a contract, employment law, and other aspects of running your business, or are planning the distribution of your assets, our team is here for you when you need us. We can also provide reliable assistance if you have been arrested or are being charged with a DUI or for your alleged role in a criminal matter. Additionally, Gaydos & Turner, P.L.L.C. helps protect your rights and the future of your family when facing divorce and child custody-related issues.