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Flying H Genetics

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About Flying H Genetics

We offer one of the largest supplies of SimAngus, Balancer, Simmental, Gelbvieh & Angus bulls in the Midwest. We offer 400 bulls in three production sales (two spring, one fall) and private treaty. Our bulls are developed in grazing systems and with roughage based rations to keep them tough and in pasture condition to successfully service cows. Over 30 years of supplying commercial cattlemen with quality guaranteed bulls and an industry wide reputation for providing top notch customer service.

Location & Directions for Flying H Genetics

42041 Dr 728, Arapahoe, NE 68922
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Services Flying H Genetics Offers

We offer one of the largest supplies of SimAngus, Balancer, Simmental, Gelbvieh & Angus bulls in the Midwest.

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