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Flood USA

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About Flood USA

If your home or business experiences water damage, fast action and quick timing are the most important factors to reduce or eliminate any structural damage as well as possible mold growth. Contacting the right company with the right experience to handle your water damage cleanup is vital for your property.

Location & Directions for Flood USA

24331 Muirlands Blvd, Lake Forest, CA 92630
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Services Flood USA Offers

Flood damage, Sewage Removal,  water removal, emergency water removal, water damage restoration, water Extraction.

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Reviews For Flood USA

Reviews for this business have been aggregated from multiple sources.

Based on 2 Reviews

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Tom Andrulis
Tom Andrulis Wednesday, July 14th 2021
I wanted to thank you for your amazing service and quick response to our water damage problem we had back in March. After the unfortunate flooding that occurred, your quick response undoubtedly made sure that the damage was contained and didn't spread to any other areas which could have made the problem much worse.
Tom Andrulis
Tom Andrulis Wednesday, July 14th 2021
I wanted to thank you for your amazing service and quick response to our water damage problem we had back in March. After the unfortunate flooding that occurred, your quick response undoubtedly made sure that the damage was contained and didn't spread to any other areas which could have made the problem much worse.
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