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Fisher Local Moving Company

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About Fisher Local Moving Company

Fisher Moving was founded in 1997. We noticed a need for the honest, efficient and affordable movers. We understand that moving can be a stressful time, Thats why we decided to offer 5 star moving at a 2 star price. Today, we have moved more than 6000 people with over 400 new customers a year. We take pride in our personalized and friendly service. The loyalty and referrals of our satisfied customers have fueled our growth. We recognize your voice on the phone. We remember details and are committed to follow through. We want to ease your moving experience.

Location & Directions for Fisher Local Moving Company

21 Ne 62nd Ave, Portland, OR 97213
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Services Fisher Local Moving Company Offers

local, moving, company, companies, residential, commercial, cheap, reviews, portland, PDX

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