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Farmington Square Medford

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About Farmington Square Medford

Here you'll find everything you need to enjoy the lifestyle you're looking for. We pride ourselves in being a service-rich community, addressing your needs for comfort and security, while respecting your desire to enjoy a carefree, independent way of life. When you choose to live at Farmington Square you are making the move to a community of choice. We believe in providing opportunities to help provide an enriched and lively quality of life. Enjoy a healthy living life enrichment program, variety of community amenities, and delicious dining choices when you make the move to Farmington Square in Medford, Oregon.

Location & Directions for Farmington Square Medford

1530 Poplar Dr, Medford, OR 97504
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Services Farmington Square Medford Offers

Retirement Homes

  • Assisted Living Facility
  • Retirement Community
  • Retirement Homes
  • Senior Citizen Center
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