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Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC

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About Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC

Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC

Location & Directions for Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC

453 Suncrest Towne Centre Drive Suite 300, Morgantown, WV 26505
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Services Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC Offers

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More About Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC

When you have been injured and need to pursue a personal injury claim, you need the services of experienced attorneys who are respected in the legal community and by insurance carriers. Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC, is exactly that type of law firm. All of our attorneys are well-known for their dedication to justice and are well-respected in the legal community. When insurance companies see us on the other side of an injury law claim, they know that they must treat our clients fairly. Most importantly, we work tirelessly to build and maintain high-quality relationships with our clients. We take the time to understand your needs and how your claim affects you and your entire family.