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Falling Creek Dental

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About Falling Creek Dental

Falling Creek Dental offers a full range of dental services including family friendly cleanings, fillings, crowns, and full mouth makeovers. We strive each and every day to provide excellent care to all of our patients.
Falling Creek Dental stands out as a leader in technology and patient care. Our team is committed to fostering long term relationships with patients and their families and friends. As a family dentist, we serve patients of all ages. We strive to maintain competitive prices while utilizing all available technology and business best practices. This allows patients to experience superior service.
We thrive on creating relationships with our patients. We take the time with each patient to establish understanding and education of all treatment. This allows each and every patient that walks through our doors a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Location & Directions for Falling Creek Dental

112 E 12450 S Suite 101, Draper, UT 84020
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Services Falling Creek Dental Offers

Family Dentistry, Implants, Invisalign, In office Bleaching and Teeth Whitening, Full mouth reconstruction.

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