Evolve Acupuncture & Physical Therapy, P.C. is an integrative, holistic health company. E.A.P.T. Was established in 2017 by Joseph Montalto, L.Ac., P.T., M.S. to integrate the fields of acupuncture and Chinese dietary therapy, orthopedic manual therapy, and holistic fitness. The mission of E.A.P.T. Is to educate individuals on the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach of healing that weaves the fields of acupuncture and physical therapy together while teaching each individual daily self care tools specific to his/her needs.
At Evolve Acupuncture & Physical Therapy, P.C. We utilize an eclectic framework of evaluation and treatment techniques. We integrate a traditional history inquiry, pulse diagnosis and tongue observation with abdominal (Hara) palpation and distal channel palpation of the arms and legs. For example, there are different abdominal reflexes that can illuminate different inflammatory or stress responses in the body.
Acupuncture, Pediatric Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Chinse Medicine
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