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Edison Electric Bicycles

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About Edison Electric Bicycles

Edison Electric Bicycles

Location & Directions for Edison Electric Bicycles

1619 Hosea L Williams Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30317
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Services Edison Electric Bicycles Offers

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More About Edison Electric Bicycles

Ryan Hersh had a morning commute with just 4 quick miles door to door, but day after day after day it was taking him OVER an hour in the city's gridlocked traffic to get to work. He knew there had to be a be a better way. So he bought a bike. One hour became 22 minutes & while Ryan was overjoyed at the time he was saving, Atlanta's summer heat and relentless hills left him sweaty & spent upon arrival.Although he loved the shorter commute, he needed a way to make it less exhausting. So Ryan began to dream about an electric bike that could go farther faster & keep him fresh along the way. He immediately turned his living room into a bicycle parts & assembly shop and began attaching battery packs & motors onto a myriad of standard bicycle frames. Ryan eventually found a way to integrate the battery into the body of the bike. He obsessed over every detail—the bead pattern of the frame welds, the gage of the wheel spokes, the material the brake pads were made out of. He sourced the world's best components, and finally, EDISON was born! One hour became 12 effortless minutes and Ryan knew that the world would never be the same. Standing at the start of a transit reformation he knew that this is the future. Not only is Edison liberating commuters from the stress & isolation of their daily commute. We're giving you the freedom to go farther. And the power to get there faster. Turning traffic into a party one less car at a time. Edison Bikes are assembled with love in Atlanta, Georgia.