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Ebco Inc

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About Ebco Inc

At Ebco Inc, we are a trusted HVAC contractor and building systems testing and balancing company based in Lexington, Kentucky. With over 40 years of experience, our NEBB certified technicians specialize in testing and adjusting HVAC systems to meet your exact specifications. We pride ourselves on providing superior workmanship, bulletproof reporting, and proper balance to complex air flow systems in today's multi-use buildings. Contact us today to get started on your project.

Location & Directions for Ebco Inc

2201 Regency Rd, Lexington, KY 40503
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Services Ebco Inc Offers

Services offered by Ebco Inc:
HVAC contractor, Craft, Tradesperson, Home services, B to B companies, Business service, Electrical Equipment, Construction and Planning Services

  • HVAC Contractor
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More About Ebco Inc

Ebco Inc is a reputable HVAC contractor and building systems testing and balancing company located in Lexington, Kentucky. Since 1985, we have been serving clients in various industries, including craft, tradesperson, home services, B2B companies, business services, electrical equipment, construction, and planning services. Our team of highly trained and experienced technicians is NEBB certified and works diligently to ensure that all HVAC systems meet your detailed specifications.

We offer a range of services including air balance, hydronic balance, duct leakage testing, and TAB survey. Our technicians are also KSHE and OSHA certified, ensuring that all infection control measures are met during construction projects. We take pride in our commitment to superior workmanship, accurate reporting, and proper balance for efficient HVAC systems.

With our extensive experience and expertise, we have successfully completed projects of all sizes. One notable project includes the University of