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DVD Media Production

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About DVD Media Production

DVD duplication, CD duplication, Blu-ray duplication. Printing and design of unique, custom packaging for real estate, entertainment, direct response, educational, seminar, training and financial companies. Custom designed mailers to reduce postage costs. Entire Kit design and manufacturing of books, workbooks, box sets, cards, posters, custom 3 ring binders including hand assembly and fulfillment - industries we currently service include entertainment, direct response, self help and finance. Current clients include Tony Robbins, Blockbuster Entertainment, Sony/BMG and Warner Music, Fitness Quest, Vanguard Financial to name a very few. Exceptional service, attention to detail and unique innovative packaging concepts separates Green Solutions from any other like company. We also offer the above products manufactured in Asia and Europe with top trusted suppliers working with us for over 17 years.

Location & Directions for DVD Media Production

4750 N Dixie Hwy #5, Oakland Park, FL 33334
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Services DVD Media Production Offers

Kits, Soft Cover and Hard Cover Books, Workbooks, Magazines, flashcards, custom binders, foam inserts, intelligent packaging ideas, environmental solutions. discs, flash drives, full assembly, individual fulfillment, direct mail, Product based complete solutions.

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