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Dr. Ira Neufeld & Associates

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About Dr. Ira Neufeld & Associates

Here at Dr. Ira Neufeld & Associates we believe in making people smile. Whether you need preventive care or a cosmetic makeover, our skilled staff will give your teeth the care they need to shine. Entrust your smile to our expert, gentle hands and smile with confidence again.

Your smile is a part of you, unique and beautiful. To keep your smile bright for years to come, visit Dr. Ira Neufeld & Associates. Our warm, caring, and gentle staff will give you the individual attention you deserve, ensuring an enjoyable experience. Our friendly and relaxed atmosphere will put even the most apprehensive person at ease. Give us a call and find out how easy it is to maintain your winning smile.

Location & Directions for Dr. Ira Neufeld & Associates

1709 S Mur Len Rd, Olathe, KS 66062
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Services Dr. Ira Neufeld & Associates Offers

Emergency, Cosmetic & Family Dentistry
Tooth Whitening

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