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Dr. Glynn Bolitho, M.D.

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About Dr. Glynn Bolitho, M.D.

Dr. Glynn Bolitho is board certified or board eligible in reconstructive and plastic surgery in four countries and an associate professor of plastic surgery at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine. A member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), he has attained the highest level of achievement in cosmetic surgical training, continuing education, and clinical experience. Dr. Bolitho is considered an authority on plastic surgery, having written or contributed to several medical publications and articles on the subject.

Location & Directions for Dr. Glynn Bolitho, M.D.

9834 Genesee Ave Ste 311, La Jolla, CA 92037
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Services Dr. Glynn Bolitho, M.D. Offers

Dr. Glynn Bolitho serves a broad range of patients and performs both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures including tummy tucks, plastic surgery of the upper arm, face and neck lifts, liposuction, pediatric plastic surgery, hand surgery and breast reconstruction.

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