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Don's Thrift-T Car Wash

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About Don's Thrift-T Car Wash

Apart from your home, your car is probably the most valuable possession you own. Here at Don's Thrift-T Car Wash we strive for nothing less than perfection. This isn't just a place to throw soap and water on your car, it is an experience that you and your car won't forget. Since 1972 our friendly staff has been cleaning, detailing, and protecting cars in West Valley City with only the highest quality services. We are recognized as the area's best, but still we continuously strive for perfection!

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Services Don's Thrift-T Car Wash Offers

Air Fresheners, Car Interior Cleaners, Window Cleaners, Car Cloths, Oil, Wipers, Car Mats

Quick Lube Services, Soft Cloth And Detailing, Self Serve Services, Oil Changes, Car Vacuuming, Injection Services, Transmission And Engine Fluid Changes,Exterior Washing,Polishing,Waxing, Filter Changes, Wiper Blade Changes, Battery Services

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