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Derrick Law Firm

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About Derrick Law Firm

Dirk J. Derrick of The Derrick Law Firm has been representing people in the Myrtle Beach / Conway area of South Carolina for over 22 years. He represents the family of those killed and individuals seriously injured and / or disabled due to car accidents, truck collisions, motorcycle crashes, and jet-ski and boating accidents. He also represents individuals disabled, either by an on the job injury in workers compensation arena or by other causes in an effort to obtain social security disability benefits. Finally he handles cases where insurance companies have unreasonably delayed or denied an insurance claim. Free books about South Carolina Injury claims, Workers Compensation claims, Social Security Disability Claims, and what types of auto insurance you need to protect your family can be downloaded.

Location & Directions for Derrick Law Firm

802 Main St, Conway, SC 29526
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Services Derrick Law Firm Offers

Wrongful death, auto and truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, social security disability, workers' compensation, bad faith insurance claims.

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