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Dependable Carpet Care

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About Dependable Carpet Care

We pride ourselves on being the top carpet cleaning company serving Spokane Valley, Cheney, Airway Heights, Deer Park, Mead, Liberty Lake and beyond, but that is just one of the many services we offer our customers. We can not only clean your carpets to look nearly like new, we also provide carpet repair and re-stretching services, tile and grout cleaning, removal of pet odor, red dye removal and upholstery cleaning. We even offer a 24-hour emergency flood cleanup and damage repair.

Location & Directions for Dependable Carpet Care

14426 N Brentwood Dr, Spokane, WA 99208
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Services Dependable Carpet Care Offers

Carpet cleaning
Carpet re-stretching and repair
Area rug cleaning
Commercial cleaning
Pet stain and odor removal
Red dye removal
Upholstery cleaning
Tile and grout cleaning

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