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de la tierra, inc.

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About de la tierra, inc.

de la tierra, inc. is a locally-owned and -operated natural stone fabrication shop serving Oregon and Washington. As a licensed Residential General Contractor, we can assist with coordination of other project-specific contractors (e.g., tile setters, plumbers, electricians, etc.). We also welcome the opportunity to meet with customers to view and select their material. Contact us to request a bid for your stonework project or to schedule a consultation.

Location & Directions for de la tierra, inc.

2312 Nw 30th Ave, Portland, OR 97210
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Services de la tierra, inc. Offers

At de la tierra, inc., our fabrication process is full-cycle: field measure, fabrication and installation.  Our customers (homeowners, builders, re-modelers, architects and designers) can be assured that their project is not just one of many in a vast production cycle.  Each project is hand crafted by the same person from start to finish resulting in truly custom pieces.  Project capabilities include:

- Kitchen and Vanity Counter tops
- Fireplace Surrounds/Hearths
- Shower Walls/Floors
- Tub Decks
- Desks and Tabletops
- Commissioned Accents (Vases, Bowls, etc.)

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