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Dayton Chiropractic Clinic

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About Dayton Chiropractic Clinic

At Dayton Chiropractic Clinic, we offer a variety of chiropractic and massage therapy procedures and modalities to help you achieve optimal health through natural, safe and effective care. Our practice, founded by Dr. Timothy J. Henry, who has years of extensive training in the most advanced chiropractic techniques, is dedicated to the health, vitality and wellbeing of each and every one of our patients.

Location & Directions for Dayton Chiropractic Clinic

7274 Rhea County Hwy, Dayton, TN 37321
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Services Dayton Chiropractic Clinic Offers

The conditions that we treat include:

- Diversified spinal and extremity adjustments
- Sports injuries
- Work-related injuries
- Cox flexion distraction
- Lumbar traction
- Topical treatments such as BioFreeze and Golden Tigers

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