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David B. Zimmerman, Attorney

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About David B. Zimmerman, Attorney

I am an aggressive and experienced DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney. I have been successfully representing clients in Alabama for over 25 years. If you have been arrested, it is important to quickly consult and retain a local lawyer who will personally handle your case and walk with you through the unique legal system in South Alabama. I am the attorney you need. Please watch my video to learn more.

Location & Directions for David B. Zimmerman, Attorney

155 S Warren St, Mobile, AL 36604
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Services David B. Zimmerman, Attorney Offers

Underage drinking, juvenile cases, public intox or public intoxication, minor in consumption, minor in possession, disorderly conduct, marijuana cases, spice, cocaine, crystal meth, pills, prescription drugs. I am a local Mobile and Baldwin County DUI Defense Lawyer handling drunk driving, drunk boating cases & other traffic cases. CDL license tickets, school zone tickets, reckless driving, attempting to elude, leaving the scene of an accident, failure to appear in court. expungement of criminal records. Serving Mobile County, Creola, Satsuma, Chickasaw, Citronelle, Grand Bay, Mobile, Prichard, Saraland, also, serving Baldwin County: Robertsdale, Bay Minnete, Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, Spanish Fort, Daphne, and Fairhope Courts. Both District and City Courts. Also, handling Appeals in all Circuit Courts. Call now for your FREE Case Evaluation! Hire an attorney that will protect your rights.

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