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Davan Appliance Service

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About Davan Appliance Service

Welcome to Davan Appliance Service, your trusted partner for all your small appliance repair needs. With years of experience in the industry, we are dedicated to providing top-notch service and customer satisfaction. Our team of skilled technicians is trained to handle a wide range of appliance repairs, from minor fixes to major installations. We understand the importance of your appliances in your daily life, and we strive to get them back up and running as quickly as possible. Contact us today for reliable and efficient appliance repair services.

Location & Directions for Davan Appliance Service

10630 SW 15th St, Towanda, KS 67144
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Services Davan Appliance Service Offers

Services offered by Davan Appliance Service:
Small appliance repair service, Appliances Major Service Repair & Installation

  • Small Appliance Repair Service
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More About Davan Appliance Service

At Davan Appliance Service, we specialize in repairing small appliances and providing major service repairs and installations. Our team of highly skilled technicians has extensive experience in handling a variety of appliance issues, ensuring that we can solve any problem you may encounter. From fixing faulty wiring to replacing broken parts, we have the expertise to get your appliances working like new again. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction. Whether it's a malfunctioning dishwasher, a broken refrigerator, or a faulty oven, you can rely on us to provide prompt and reliable service. We understand that your appliances play a crucial role in your daily life, which is why we strive to minimize downtime and provide efficient repairs. As a locally owned and operated business, we take pride in serving our community and building long-lasting relationships with our customers. When you choose Davan Appliance Service, you can expect profession