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About CreditRiskMonitor

CreditRiskMonitor offers financial leverage to credit, supply chain and financial professionals by providing them financial risk analysis partnered with its news service. The company has access to 58,000 global public companies which makes their analysis more comprehensive. CreditRiskMonitor also offers solutions because financial risk analysis wouldn't be enough to cover a business or an entity. The company formulated their core program called FRISK that has a 96% accuracy difference of analysis. It gathers several key-indicators that increases the accuracy of their financial risk. The Merton model, financial ratios, Moody's and Fitch bond agency ratings as well as crowdsourcing from Fortune 1000 companies are some of the key risk indicators used in FRISK.

Location & Directions for CreditRiskMonitor

704 Executive Blvd, Valley Cottage, NY 10989
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Services CreditRiskMonitor Offers

-FRISK Stress Index
-PAYCE Score
-Financial Statement Sourcing
-Trade Contributor Program

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More About CreditRiskMonitor

CreditRiskMonitor believes that financial leverage among credit, supply chain and financial professionals can be achieved through their financial risk analysis. With their access to 58,000 global public companies, they have formulated FRISK. FRISK is the company's core program that aides them to suitable provide financial risk analysis to every client with a mark of 96% analysis accuracy. Through results delivered by FRISK, CreditRiskMonitor is able to create solutions in order to minimize and totally avoid these financial risks. The Merton model, financial ratios, Moody's and Fitch bond agency ratings paired with crowdsourcing from some of the Fortune 1000 companies provide data to FRISK to evaluate and provide analysis from.