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Cougar Mechanical

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About Cougar Mechanical

Cougar Mechanical is a trusted air conditioning contractor and HVAC contractor based in Spokane, WA. With our expertise in the craft and our commitment to delivering exceptional service, we cater to both residential and commercial clients. As a B2B company, we specialize in providing top-notch business services related to electrical equipment, construction, and planning. Our team of highly trained professionals is available 24/7 to address any HVAC needs you may have. Contact us today and experience the Cougar Mechanical difference.

Location & Directions for Cougar Mechanical

901 W Riverside Ave #101, Spokane, WA 99201
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Services Cougar Mechanical Offers

Services offered by Cougar Mechanical:
Air conditioning contractor, HVAC contractor, Craft, Tradesperson, Home services, B to B companies, Business service, Electrical Equipment, Construction and Planning Services

  • Air Conditioning Contractor
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More About Cougar Mechanical

Cougar Mechanical, located in Spokane, WA, is your go-to HVAC company for all your heating and cooling needs. With years of experience serving the Spokane and Idaho area, we understand the extreme weather conditions and the importance of timely and reliable services. Our skilled technicians offer a wide range of services including AC repair, A/C tune-ups, A/C installations, coil cleaning, ductless mini-split systems, furnace tune-ups and repairs, baseboard heater repair, electric furnace repair, heat pump repair, propane heater installation, and more. We take pride in delivering reliable HVAC solutions that keep your home comfortable year-round. Whether it's a new installation or routine maintenance, our team ensures exceptional service and customer satisfaction. Contact Cougar Mechanical today for a free estimate on heating and air conditioning services.