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Corfman Chiropractic Clinic

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About Corfman Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Corfman became passionate in chiropractic after many conversations with his father who had been a chiropractor many years. He focuses on the origin of the patients health issue and works tireless to help improve his patients body mechanics and functions, with the goal of improving quality of life and preventing future health problems. We have state-of-the-art equipment to help you heal from subluxation, cervical pain, thoracic pain, lumbar pain, car accident injuries, herniated disc, migraine headaches, sciatica, sports injuries, nausea, fever, restless legs, bed wetting, infantile colic, ear infections, sinus issues, and etc.

Location & Directions for Corfman Chiropractic Clinic

3111 Florence Blvd, Florence, AL 35634
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Services Corfman Chiropractic Clinic Offers


  • Chiropractors
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