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Coates, Coates & Coates P.A.

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About Coates, Coates & Coates P.A.

Whether you need a defense attorney for a criminal case or legal assistance in DUI, the professionals at Coates, Coates & Coates P.A have generations of legal expertise to offer. We have been serving the Ocean City area since 1954. We also provide general legal services to all of Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties. Schedule your free consultation today.

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Services Coates, Coates & Coates P.A. Offers

Whether you need a defense attorney for a criminal case or legal assistance in DUI, the professionals at Coates, Coates & Coates P.A have generations of legal expertise to offer. We have been serving the Ocean City area since 1954. We also provide general legal services to all of Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties. Schedule your free consultation today.

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