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Coastside Psychotherapy Services

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About Coastside Psychotherapy Services

Rebecca C. Mandeville, M.A., M.F.T., is a California State licensed Psychotherapist (LMFT) engaged in private practice with offices in Half Moon Bay and Menlo Park, CA. She specializes in integrative, holistic techniques that allow clients to access their innate wisdom, allowing them to more fully realize their life goals and dreams. Services offered include: Individual Psychotherapy, Couples (including Pre-Marital Counseling), and Family Therapy; Transpersonal Psychotherapy; Intervention and Treatment of individuals and families experiencing the pain and suffering caused by active Alcoholism, Addiction, and Codependency. Workshops and Groups Offered: "Realizing The Power Within," and "Creating Life Flow."

Location & Directions for Coastside Psychotherapy Services

751 Kelly St, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
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Services Coastside Psychotherapy Services Offers

Specializations include: Relationship Counseling
Developing "Romantic Intelligence"
Wisdom Therapy
Addiction Intervention and Recovery
Attachment Disorders
Family Systems
Diversity Issues
Psychospiritual Guidance.

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